March 2nd, 2020

#MoodBoardMonday - Monochromatic Girls Room


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We’re back with another Mood Board Monday! The thing about completely renovating and designing an entire house is… it can take some time (aka $$$), am I right?! Since we moved into our #jugadorhill home 4 months ago we’ve been busy furnishing it piece by piece and I’m happy to say, Ella’s room is almost done!

We had a little set back after building a closet that didn’t pan out as we had hoped, so we’ll be relocating it and Ella will be the only room in the house that is getting carpet! Additionally, we included bathroom finishes on this week’s mood board because her ensuite bathroom will be getting finished shortly as well. We always take the full picture into account when designing a space so it was crucial for the bedroom and bathroom to flow well.

Below you’ll find links to all of the pieces pictured above. Her Mid-century bed in Pebble set the tone for the room and, with a few tweaks, we were able to incorporate a vintage dresser we had. We love the contrasting soft curves of the pendant light & nightstands against her more square bed & dresser. The details really pull this space together… our sweet neighbor (and amazing florist) made these baby wreaths for above Ella’s bed and an equally creative mama makes these adorable wall-hanging rainbows.

Can’t wait for the final reveal!

Faucet | Tile | Rainbow | Chair | Pendant | Nightstand | Dresser | Bed | Rug

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